Thursday 19 May 2011

Ocean Shader tests

I have had a go at this because Mariluz hasnt been able to get it right, no one has asked me to but i think its worth a try and see if can do any better. i havent tried doing sea shaders before but i know that they are pretty hard on your machine. this is what ive managed to render. as you can see its pretty simple, ive also learnt that this shader can not be animated, as it all changes at once and it looks really unrealistic.

to get this result, which i must admit isnt that good, ive applied the following attributes.

the most important atributes which i learnt about was probably the scale attribute and the Num Frequency as these affect the detail given out by the shader, its a good thing to play with when youre getting closes ups of the shader animating. a good number would be 45k, this will give you a very realistic movement, and when you turn the transparency up you get an amazing shot.

here is just a single shot of what i mean,

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