Friday 10 June 2011

Ncloth to the pillow

for shot 1 in heroes we need to have some reaction with the pillow and the kids head. so i decided to use nCloth for this shot. it didnt go too well cos when i assigned it for the 1st time it went completly droopy and it collapsed on itself. so what i did was add the rigidity up a few units, 10.000 to be precise and the problem went. however. i need problem popped up, this was the fact that the hair geometry kept sticking to it. Also the the clothing seems to be interacting with the pillow even tho its not even touching it. here is an image of what i meant.

here are two videos demonstrating what i have to deal with.

as you can see the ncloth does give it bounce but it keeps sticking to the geometry. as you can also see i had to move the head out the way to stop it sticking.

this video shows a better view of the ncloth problem im having, you can see the twitches right at the end.

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