Wednesday 19 January 2011

Art work for The Deep

i know its not much but i just sat in today drawing and making my life a little easier. here are some rough sketches of what i have done. ive uploaded them on photoshop and added a filter to enhance the pencil a little more.

this image shows two parts of the scene, as you can see he is looking into the cave for the first time and sees the eel and its baby sleeping in their nest. it was very quick but i liked it so i uploaded it up on here.

here is another sketch i did, this one has been edited a little with photoshop, just to make it a little darker. this is sketch of what i would like to achieve from modelling the iceberg. as you can see it has a massive crack down the middle, this is where we plan to make the little kid swim through, i have also added a dark shadow of the eel to indicate that thats his home. there are also smaller sketches of what i want the inside to look like, the pillar shape ice will be where the lair will be.

this last image is just an older sketch i found from when we first started the film as you can see its a cave and not an iceberg, and the sub looks a lot different from the final design.

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