Sunday 30 January 2011

personal learning

During this month I also started working on hard surface modelling, I have done some for the films before but I found myself using the same techniques, I decided to step up my game and do things which I hadn't done before,

for my first model I decided to go for a dirt buggy, I like the idea of it as it was an opened top car and I wanted to try and model the engine and interior.

Here is a picture of what I managed to do with my skills.

This first image shows my way of tackling the problem of the frame, I found it quite useful when looking back at the previous month when I had to model the park bench, using the nurbs circles and lofting them worked on here too.

This image is what I had accomplished with simple modelling, as you can see when put together it really brings the model out. You're not able to see it in this picture but I also modelled the engine and some of the compartments

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