Tuesday 19 April 2011

Ice experiment, goes well!

after finishing with cave, i was wondering whether i could maybe add something in the ice, like in ice age. here is a pic of what i mean

this is what i managed to do, its not as good but its a start.

i think with better lighting i could get a better result, its not a bad result i must admit, not quite as good but im new at playing around with shaders.

this is how i did it

after i found the file i wanted of the internet i converted it to a PNG and deleted the white background on the file. then the created a PSD network to link the Bumpmap and the PNG file. as you can see in the final result of the network of shaders the banes are singled out and there is no white background.

here is what the whole scene looks like, the lights are very simple and are only there to show my work.

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