Saturday 30 April 2011

gloves for heroes1.0

ive came up with a tricky assignment today i had to model the gloves for Heroes. what i did firts was try to add ncloth to a on the rig and animate the ginger to see what happened, this was a massive disaster and it slowed animation down incredibly and it didnt look realist at all. it also didn't keep its shape very well. so my next aproach was to duplicated the hand and scale it up so the hands would fit properly, this was another disappointment as between the fingers there was a lot of deformation. so i went back to the basics and started with a cube.

This is the finished model, ive duplicated it for both sides so its ready to add to the rig.

this is what it looks like on one of our animation shots, Clym has done very well merging the original hand with the gloves so it can be animated.

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