Friday 4 February 2011

personal learning

Personal learning

I enjoy working for the movies which I am a team member for but I also really like doing my own work when I have the time, I am aiming to get an idea of the work which is currently being done at framestore, my understanding is that there is a lot of high poly count modelling going on. High poly count modelling is something which I really want to get into. I have found a few tutorials online which I have been helping me get a better understanding of how it works.
I know that there is a method of doing in and that it's not just simply sculpting in a modelling software, I have learnt that you need to start with a low poly count model and build it up in layers. There are things which always need to be done before you start sculpting. E.g. the UV maps needs to be done before you can export any work from Maya to ZBrush or Mudbox. If this is not done properly I won't be able to add displacement maps or textures if I want to use the model for animation.

Here is an example of my sculpting work

this first images is a very early stage of a lizard man character I was modelling. As you can see I have the basic shape but not much detail.

this next image shows my lizard man gaining a little bit more life as it now know has a more natural look.

this last image is what I finished off with, at this stage I realised that I couldn't really do much with this model besides look at it, this is because I never sorted out the CVs when I had the chance and now it's a little too late, and it would be near enough impossible to do so as it's so high detailed.

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