Wednesday 23 February 2011

UV mapping

This month I had to UV map a few object in Maya. i had to do this before i could texture them. I UV mapped the sward fish and the sofa which i did back in November.

Here is an image of the fish

at this stage it is only just been automatically UV mapped by Maya, it's no use to me right now, in the second picture you able to see a fish taking place. i only did one side as it's a trophy fish and only half will show.

As you can see, I've added colour to the UV map and it's worked out pretty well when you look at it in Maya. By learning texturing I am able to become a better modeller as I know that 100% of the time texturing will be needed.

Another example of what i learnt this month is my uv mapped and textured sofa, i had a good idea of how to do it when i did the fish so i gave it a go. This was the result, I'm very happy with the outcome, mainly because i believe it really fits in with the surroundings when placed into the scene.

the following images show my procces of UV mapping the chairs for the inside of the deep.

the image above is the texture i will be using for the seats, I chose it because of the buttons. when using a bump map i should be able to get a cool effect.

the image above shows the main tools i used to create the UVs for the chair. the consist of the cut tool, the unfold tool, and the stich tool.

this is the result of using the tools listed above, i have UV mapped the top part of the chair. due to the shampe it was really quick and easy to do.

at this stage i had moved on to the next part of the chair. i have began to work on the bottom cushion.

Bottom cushion UV mapped and ready to go.

here is a tiled version of the texture i will use. as you can see its not going to look very realistic. the reason i tiled it was to see how it would look compared to the image of the red sofa bellow.

at this stage i had created a psd network in maya and started to apply the texture to it in photoshop.

this is the result i got every time i loaded the texture into maya.

the image above shows the from cushion texture almost finished, all i needed now was the sides and back to be done. the hardest bit was done :)

this image above shows a light test when i added the bump map, as you can see it looks too rough for the effect i wanted, i was looking for something smoother and with a leather effect.

after playing with the depth of the bump map i achieved this look, i believe that it looks good enough to be incloded in the film.

this is the final outcome of my texture for the chair. i am very pleased with the result. much more pleased than the fish i textured earlier on in the week.

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