Sunday 20 March 2011

modelling the computer chair

we will be using a computer chair for the animation in a few weeks so kofi has asked me model this chair

this is what ive managed to do. first of all i started with a simple cube and shaped the bottom of the chair

my next step was building the base which was a two simple cylinders, one for the supporting bar and one for the base. i extruded faces from the bottom cylinder to give the chair legs.

i then wanted to make the wheels like the one in the reference image, this is what i managed to do using cylinders again.

the next step was tricky, but i managed to do it with a good result. i used a cube and extruded and shaped it in an L shape, i then added divisions using the Create Loop tool. my next step was selecting every other ring of faces on this L shape geometry. i then extruded inwards to get this, im pretty pleased with the result after i had smoothed it. looks like the back of the chair in the picture.

after adding additional bits i was left with this.

i added handles and a real plastic panel for the back rest. kofi was happy with the outcome of the chair.

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