Sunday 27 March 2011

modelling cave No.3..

i have looked through my blod today and realised that i had a an idea for the cave ages ago, the ice cave from ice age fitted perfectly to what i wanted to to, here is an example

this is how i started off. i started with a polygon plane, and then added loads of divisions and selected faces at random, big and small, i then extruded them up, making sure to keep a good shape. i also run the sculpt tool at a low opacity so can keep the shape as smooth as possible.

my next step was to duplicate this geometry and mirror it above the original, i then merged all the vertexes and go this result when smoothed out. as you can see there is a slight blue to the texture, this is because i have started to play around with my own shaders. this is a simple Phong, as i know Phongs are used a lot for ice. (it wasnt very successful though..

the next step was to create a wall around my geometry, for this all i did was create a sphere and scale it to the shape of the cave pillars. i then used the sculpt tool again to deform the geometry again.

this is an experiment of one of the previous shaders i used. as you can see it doesnt look very good. i will not be using this.

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