Saturday 26 March 2011

modelling the cave

i have started modelling the cave now, but i have found this to be very difficult, the 1st attempt i did a while back was preatty simple and not really what i think the group wants, ive planned out a new idea and will try to go with it, i have also had some work from andy but again, it doesnt give me much freedom to experiment. i will try and get as close to his idea as possible.

here is what he gave me to work from

here is what i have come up with so far, it doesnt look near enough as exciting as andy's drawing.

if you look closely i have tried to work with mudbox again to add detail to the ice, but again i havent been able to work out how to apply the shader without it going all funny and not working. it also looks really dark and boring, i might try and add some lights later on to see how it will look.

the render above is an example of the cave viewing it through a camera in maya, it makes it look bigger than it actually is, which is always a plus. Ive also introduces a light in there but i haven't done a very good job in setting it up.

this image in the other hand is much better, as you can see it has some nice sparkles from the shader i have used, i have tired to assign the camera to the shader like it said in the tutorial which i posted earlier in the week but i keep getting a really bad effect. i will post videos up soon.

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