Tuesday 30 November 2010

Modeling for The Deep. Sofa

I have to model the sofa for the interior of the sub in The Deep. from the reference given i gathered that i was aiming for a Victorian style sofa, the ones with bronze legs and red leather surfaces. here is what Andy gave me

as you can see, i am aiming to have feet at bottom of the sofa legs, i am also looking at red leather and a dark bronze effect on the surrounding supports.

here are some more images that helped me out in the modeling

this has to be my favorite image out of all. what draws me to this is the detail it has, it looks like its worth thousands of pounds! its also strangely elegant! however, its not what we were looking for for The Deep.

this second images shows the golden/ bronze affect that the legs and surrounds have, i like how much detail there is!

i was going to use this last image for the modeling of the legs, at first i didnt think i could model the lion legs which andy wanted but i would try and give it a go.

here are some of my attempts for the sofa.

i was not happy at all with this out come, i dont think it did justice to the images i used, it just didnt look like i had pictured at the start.

the sofa above looked better, it looked much more stylised and a little bit more of what Andy wanted, i think its better to texture the sofa as you can meke it look rough and old, which would fit in with the surrounding textures and lights in the sub.

her is my finished sofa, very happy with the results, as you can see its no longer coloured but with the right textures it can do the job!

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