Monday 22 November 2010

park bench modeling and texturing

I am set a job for Chance meeting which involves me modeling a quite difficult park bench, at first i didn't think it was possible but i gave it a shot and said yes to Joe.
here is what he gave me to work with, as you can see, its not very clear but its good enough for an idea.

from the first glace I gave this picture i knew i would have to use nurbs circles and the loft tool, it might not be the perfect way to do it but thats what came into my head. what i found every useful when using this tool was that i was able to follow the curves down with simple nurbs circles.

here is another images which was given to me for reference, as you can see its not very clear but it gives a good indication of length and textures. I didnt use this image for the modeling but it did give me an idea of how the wood is placed from the front.

as you can see the modeling is all most finished, there are a few aspects to come back to but i just wanted to have a go on the textured as i now know that the bench will NOT be used for the shots, this is because the real bench has returned to the park!
at this current stage i was quite pleased with the results, i hadn't textures the metal supports but i was having a go at the wood. its not perfect but its a start.

Above is the "finished" bench, i have things like the legs to finish and some areas in the supports but i think its turned out quite well. texturing was not as hard as i thought but i know not to underestimate the process. things like finding the best surface textures or using the right shaders will either fool us into believing its real or simply make others point out your crappy work.

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