Tuesday 30 November 2010

Props for Hero 02

I was told that the living room shot was going to be cut out while modeling a bookshelf, as always im not bothered as its only doing me good! i was given some references to what i should try to aim for, i also did some research myself to find a nice image to use for the modeling. here they are.

this images shows the stype but doesnt really help me in terms of modeling, as you can see its got a lot of books and they're not exactly a challenge to model. I asked kofi if this was more of what he wanted and he agreed, which meant that I could get a start on them.

this is an Ikea bookshelf, Ikea is can be very contemporary so its a great place to look for images for kofi's work.

looking at my bookshelves at home i can see that hardly any books are actually on them, nowever, there are loads of other things like porcelains and ornaments. I decide to ask kofi if there was a chance of maybe adding other things not just books, he was happy with it so i decided to try to model the second clock from the pictures above.
i also used the CP curve tool to makes some vaces and still keep the look he wanted. here is an example of what I am currently working on. the clock has not been finished.

full shot

this last image looks very empty but all i need to do is group some of the books and duplicate them in different areas giving it a fuller look.

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